Manufacturing Output by Country

Our site selection work includes a decent number of manufacturing projects, it’s not our biggest line of business but one that we particularly enjoy working on. Manufacturing provides one of the largest economic impacts per dollar invested, and precisely because of this, nearly every city, state, and nation aggressively targets the industry. We’ll spend some time on this blog discussing manufacturing in the U.S. Our primary data source is real gross domestic product data set from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Other data providers should take note; the BEA produces an enormous amount of relevant, interesting, and accessible information.
We’ll begin with a look at manufacturing output by country. This data set comes from the United Nations and is only current through 2009, but still quite interesting. The United States remains the world’s largest manufacturer, with 2009 output of $2.33 trillion, but growth is modest. By contrast, China’s manufacturing output is growing rapidly, reaching $2.05 trillion in 2009. A decade ago U.S. manufacturing was 4 times larger than China’s, and by 2011 China seems certain to be larger. The U.S. share of global manufacturing stands at 18%, down from 29% in 1970.
The actual data is available here.
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