Flooding in Thailand - Ayutthaya Province

The Ayutthaya Province is the backbone of the Thai economy and accounts for greater than 10% of the country's manufacturing output. The province is home to large concentrations of electronics and automotive manufacturers with Honda, Sony, Nikon and Western Digital among the hundreds of multinationals operating in the province. The two images above use "false color" to help accentuate the extent of the flooding, green is land and dark blue is water. As you can see, the significant majority of the province is inundated, including four of the largest industrial parks in the country. The disaster provides a real world case study on the importance of natural disaster risk mitigation in site selection. We'll discuss in more detail tomorrow.
Red Cross of Thailand - http://english.redcross.or.th/home
Photo Source: NASA Advanced Land Imager - http://goo.gl/M4uYG
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